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28/09/2024 – 06/10/2024 

Golfe de Saint-Tropez 

Wow did I learn a lot this week. I used different lines for the first time, different sails, and pushed Escapado to the max. What an amazing experience racing with 250 boats and 4000 people all from different parts of the world. Sure, the spotlight was on the classic racers which Les Voiles is famous for, but still being a part of a several days event full of action, extravagance and culture was a dream. 

After practicing manoeuvres and generally acclimatising the new crew to Escapado, it was squeaky bum time as we got ready for the week. Each race lasted around 5 hours and were set around different marked routes. Aside from 1 day where there was just no wind and the race was cancelled, I would say it was a success for us. We didn’t come last in our class even with a new crew who had never raced together. We approached the regatta with the mindset that most of us were there to learn how to race and have a good time. And that’s what we did.  

Escapado was placed in the IRC 3 class. IRC is a rating used to fairly handicap different yachts racing against each other. This is based on the physical dimensions of the boat. IRC 1 boats were the fastest, followed by 2, 3 and 4. Within the IRC 3 category, there were 25 boats, and our end average result was 22nd.  

Sails that I used for the first time included a symmetrical spinnaker which is a huge, colourful kite that flies directly in front of the bow. This is used for when the wind is coming from directly behind you. We also used an asymmetrical spinnaker which you can compare to a large version of a genoa sail used for lighter downwind sailing, and a code zero which is a cross inbetween a genoa and an asymmetrical spinnaker that is used for sailing close to the wind.  

Escapado flying the symmetrical spinnaker (I am wearing a light blue jacket and handling a winch).  

It was amazing to finally see St Tropez and experience the town that put the south of France on the map. Due to it being the 25th anniversary of the event, there was extra popularity, and I have to say I was definitely over-stimulated! Lavish restaurants lining the marina, bars full of partying sailors, the race village full to the brim, and of course the gorgeous yachts docked for everyone to see.  

Thank you so much to the amazing people that I met in the regatta, those on the mile builder, and Sail Racing Academy for giving me a month of adventure and new experiences. I look forward to carrying on with you in the upcoming ARC. See you in Las Palmas!